SAN FRANCISCO PARENTS OF MULTIPLES offers support, community and advice to parents that do not want to be alone. We know first hand the challenges of raising multiples and we are here to share what we know and to support one another.
We provide many activities and programs designed specifically for parents of multiples and of course for their kids, from expectant parent support meetings to family picnics.
You will get connected with other POM club members with knowledge and experience in specialized areas during pregnancy and various developmental stages of your babies and children. Preterm labor, doulas and nannies, preemies and NICUs, all kinds of medical conditions related to pregnancies with twins or more, breastfeeding, sleeping issues – our members have been there, seen it and are ready to share their experiences.
The San Francisco Parents of Multiples Club is a non-profit organization formed to offer support to parent sand expectant parents of multiples. We are a volunteer organization run cooperatively by and for its members.